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  • Writer's pictureRose Faquir

Dealing with Rejection

Updated: Dec 13, 2021

Dr Becker-Phelps highlighted that it is essential to acknowledge that rejection hurts and feeling hurt is part of being human. However, suppose you find yourself quickly feeling hurt, which hinders your capacity to build a relationship. Your response may indicate that the recent rejection deepened past hurts that are still healing.

When you are hurting, you may feel the urge to scream or scold others. Channelling the energy into activities, such as exercising, cooking or listening to music, will help calm your body and mind. Reflecting and journaling are helpful to help you process the rejection. Be kind to yourself by identifying your strengths, values and practising self-gratitude.

Self-care is also important. Make a list of things you can do to improve your lifestyle. Try to get enough sleep each night, drink plenty of water and eat well-balanced meals. Even if it's just taking a 30-minute walk, creating a routine for exercise help your body and mind reach a healthier state. Spending quality time with close friends or loved ones is also helpful in coping with the pain of rejection.

Rejection is an inevitable part of life, and it is painful. Yet it doesn't define who you are. Be aware of the tendency to be self-critical. It is helpful to remember times when you were accepted and recognised to remind yourself that rejection is not the end.

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